Tuesday 2 December 2008

Major banks could take control of New Star.

The major banks could take control of UK investment manager New Star. You would have thought that fund management was a straightforward and simple business with not much to go wrong. It seems that New Star was weighed down with debt, which was very negative when funds under management suddenly went south. When these funds go up, it can be a very profitable business if costs stay the same. It is sad that it has not worked out for New Star founder John Duffield, who is a real character amongst the grey denizens of the City.
One worrying factor is that quoted businesses are going into administration nearly every week. It seems like it anyway (Woolies, MFI, London Scottish).
It will be interesting if the Bank of England lowers interest rates to 2 pct from 3pct. If the banks are not passing on the decrease to borrowers but are applying it to savers, then the Bank might consider a pause. It does not seem to be too worried about the exchange rate but sterling does need some support to prevent a major fall.

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