Wednesday 17 December 2008

ZIRP does not sound very good!!

I wonder what British independent financial advisers (IFAs) can recomend in terms of investments when we have got ZIRP or zero interest rates coming to us soon. The U.S
Federal Reserve Bank (FED) under Ben Bernanke seems to have pressed the panic button
by lowering its rate to a range of 0% and 0.25%. Here, the Bank of England might have a bit to go from its current base rate level of 2%. However, IFAs are having to survey the wreckage of the British financial scene and what do they recommend? Ten year gilts yield around just 3.4 pct. It is probably too late to get into them while long term they must be affected by the collapse of sterling and future inflation.
Quite a few people are recommending corporate bond funds, which are offering significant yields and could sit quite nicely in SIPPs.

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