Thursday 27 November 2008

Is the UK mortgage market going to recover in 2009?

The British government wants the mortgage lending market to recover in 2009 but is this going to happen? In an article for Money Marketing the Charcol technical manager Ray Boulger proposes that Northern Rock, the mortgage bank nationalised by the government, could suspend or reduce the repayments made on the loan made by the Bank of England. This loan stood at £26.9bn at the end of 2007. The move would reduce
the pressure, which is contracting the mortgage market in Britain.
It is funny that the British government wants to have lending levels set at 2007 levels but it seems that it does not want to influence Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingley, which are under its control. I suppose the comment by B & B boss Richard Pym
that the buy-to-let market is dead can be viewed as not helpful.

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