Monday 23 February 2009

UK quantative easing is coming our way!!

The United Kingdom government is going to carry out quantative easing to get out of the economic predicament we are in. Gold reached $820 an ounce in August and now it
stands at $1,000. British premier Gordon Brown insisted that we sold at $250 an ounce. I wonder if the two issues are linked? Sterling is not supported by masses of currency reserves unlike the China or Taiwan. Although these countries must be wondering how long will they buy U.S Treasury bonds.
So we are probably in a bit of sticky situation. British savers have been abandoned (hopefully this will change) and they should keep to mainstream institutions. There was a rush to the Post Office agent Bank of Ireland and now there is a rush back. I suppose everyone needs some certainty.
The shenanigans at Anglo Irish Bank don't look good. I think the Irish would like to have some quantative easing but the good bankers at the Frankfurt-based ECB have proved several steps behind in this current economic crisis. Perhaps, the Bank of England held interest rates too high but have certainly gone for it in a big way. Say the UK central bank buys a few corporate bonds and some gilts, it probably would provide limited help to the housing market, which needs private individuals buying residential properties from other private individuals. To help these transactions Sir James Crosby proposed a reasonable plan involving mortgage securities. This plan has been studiously ignored by the Gordon Brown administration.

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