Wednesday 11 February 2009

Standard Life coughs up £100m over pension sterling fund.

The venerable Scottish insurer Standard Life is going to cough up £100m following the tanking of its pension sterling fund. This was not the performance desired by independent financial advisers (IFAs), who pointed to the mention of "cash" in some brochures. Hargreaves Lansdown said simply that it wanted the money back for its clients.

It reminds me when a Fidelity Income fund was found to have invested in nil yielding tech stocks. There was a bit of a furore. The current investment conditions have really hit investment trusts and unit trusts. UK funds have been especially hit by the implosion of the British banking sector. Star fund managers have seen their reputations tarnished. The industry is trying to push corporate bond funds for investors looking for income. They represent quite a bet on future default levels to get the attractive yield.

Good corporate bonds paying 7 pct to 9 pct might be retired by companies, if they can refinance for less. Bond managers will be having another look at the issue documentation for the paper.

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