Friday 21 December 2007

I am trying to get my head around the inheritance tax changes!!

I am trying to get my head around the forthcoming changes in British inheritance tax. These were announced by UK chancellor Alistair Darling in his recent pre-budget speech. The inheritance tax threshold is to doubled to £600,000 and then slowly lifted to £700,000 by the year 2010.

In the edition of dated November 8th, 2007 it was stated that "The rules are complex and the terms of everyone's will and their trusts, if they have them, are different. The important thing is to recognise that the tax regime has changed significantly and for the better but that people may need to act now to ensure their families derive the maximum benefit when they die.
The changes affect anyone with an estate more than £300,000 and increasingly when the figure get towards and over £600,000."

Inheritance tax is so complex in the United Kingdom but it would be quite simple to scrap it like in Australia.

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