Tuesday 8 July 2008

Clive Briault trousers £528,000 from the FSA.

One of the few scapegoats of the Northern Rock affair, Mr Clive Briault, has trousered £528,000 from the UK's financial regulator Financial Services Authority (FSA). Mr Briault left the organisation in April 2008 by mutual consent. The mortgage bank had to be rescued by the UK government after being unable to borrow from the wholesale lending market.

MoneyMarketing also reports that the FSA boss, Callum McCarthy, who saw his pay go up by 10 per cent to £480,553 but did refuse a bonus. Amazing, the British government under the Reverend Gordon Brown, has called for pay restraint to help keep inflation at around 2 pct-3 pct, when quangocrats are getting a lot more.


The Daily Telegraph reports that Northern Rock has appointed Rick Hunkin to reinforce risk control at the Newcastle-based bank. Mr Hunkin had a similar role at the U.S owned institution GE Money UK Home Lending. I suppose better late than never.
I suppose everybody is wondering if Bradford and Bingley is going the same way as its
northern rival.

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