Tuesday 29 January 2008

Telegraph highlights "new model" financial advisers.

There was an interesting article in last Saturday's Daily Telegraph, which ighlights "new model" financial advisers. These are financial advisers, who
no longer charge commission but levy fees on the client directly. For instance,
Citywire publishes "The New Model Adviser" magazine. The Telegraph notes that
an increasing number of IFAs have moved away from commission-driven selling.

The firm SewellBrydenGunn has amassed clients nationwide from its Bagshot, Surrey base. The firm emphasises the high qualifications of its staff.

Thursday 24 January 2008

IFAS predict consolidation in their sector.

In articles published by UK magazine Money Marketing both Bruce Wilson, of Helm Godfrey, and Garry Heath of Life change, predict consolidation in the IFA industry. Wilson says he has received more calls from IFAs to sell their businesses in the last few months.
Garry Heath says developements in backoffice IT are allowing consolidators to benefit from cost cutting. Increase size allows advisers to market more to their

People who are interested could look on www.searchifa.co.uk for a financial adviser near them.

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Money Marketing publishes Sesame survey

Money Marketing publishes an interesting survey of Sesame advisers. Some 64% are concerned about the possible effect that falls in the housing market could have on their companies.

However sales and marketing director Stephen Young notes that 20% of Sesame advisers are actively looking to recruit. He says that advisers are also willing to change to market conditions.